Federal surface transportation legislation, beginning with MAP-21 in 2012, established performance requirements under the Transportation Performance Management (TPM) program. These requirements covered:
- Gathering data for national performance measures (PM);
- Performance target setting at State and MPO level;
- Coordination between States and MPOs; and
- Reporting on performance at regular intervals.
As a multi-state metropolitan planning organization, HEPMPO plans and programs projects in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to accomplish each State’s (MD and WV) targets and will report baseline performance and progress in a system performance report. Below is a listing of the performance measures:
Safety Performance Measures (PM1): Adopted 1/15/25
- Number of fatalities
- Number of serious injuries
- Rate of fatalities
- Rate of serious injuries
- Non-motorized fatalities & serious injuries
Bridge and Pavement Performance Measures (PM2): Adopted 1/15/25
- Percentage of National Highway System (NHS) bridges classified in good and poor condition
- Percentage of pavement on the Interstate System and non-Interstate NHS in good and poor condition
System Performance, Freight Movement, and Air Quality Performance Measures (PM3): Adopted 1/18/23. Greenhouse Gases (Maryland only: Adopted 5/15/24.
- Percent of person-miles traveled on the Interstate System and non-Interstate NHS that are reliable
- Percentage of the Interstate System mileage providing for reliable truck travel times
- Annual hours of peak-hour excessive delay per capita*
- Percent of non-SOV travel*
- On-road mobile source emissions reduction*
- Percent change in tailpipe CO2 emissions on the NHS compared to the 2022 reference year
* = currently does not apply to HEPMPO
Additional Resources:
- FHWA Transportation Performance Management
- Maryland DOT Performance Management Road Map
- West Virginia DOT Performance Connect
- Maryland Strategic Highway Safety Plan
- West Virginia Strategic Highway Safety Plan
- Maryland Strategic Asset Management Plan
- West Virginia Transportation Asset Management Plan