Home / WV45/Martinsburg Pike Corridor Vision Plan (2021)

- January 31, 2023
The Hagerstown/Eastern Panhandle Metropolitan Planning Organization (HEPMPO) is supporting the Corporation of Shepherdstown by developing the WV45/Martinsburg Pike Corridor Vision Plan. The Martinsburg Pike corridor has been identified by HEPMPO for needed safety improvements and as a growth area for Jefferson County. The study’s overall goals are to: 1) Improve accessibility to downtown Shepherdstown, businesses, residential neighborhoods, the university, and adjacent amenities, 2) Improve vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle safety and 3) Enhance economic development along the corridor. Utilizing concept and guidelines from WVDOT’s Corridor Management Handbook, the 2013 WV Complete Streets Act, and public input, a sketch-level corridor plan with different alternatives and supporting analysis was developed.