Submission period has closed for FY2025. Please check back for future updates.
HEPMPO seeks to improve transportation infrastructure throughout its planning region by the implementation of projects utilizing MPO-specific federal suballocated funds. HEPMPO is responsible for allocating federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) and Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) suballocated funding for eligible projects.
The HEPMPO Project Selection Guidelines for Federal Suballocated Funds serve as a guide for project eligibility and the application process for the purpose of allocating federal suballocated funds for the HEP urban area in West Virginia, as defined by the US Census Bureau. These guidelines were adopted by the HEPMPO Interstate Council on August 16, 2023. They are subject to change upon adoption of any changes by the Interstate Council.
Click to access: HEPMPO Project Selection Guidelines for Federal Suballocated Funds in West Virginia.
These guidelines were developed in accordance with: WVDOT STIP/TIP Operating Procedures FY2023-FY2028.
To submit a request for HEPMPO Project Funding, please follow the application instructions here: HEPMPO Application for Project Funding.
For those project selection criteria with a geographic component, an online map is available to review all pertinent GIS data.
The deadline to submit requests for FY2025 (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025) is November 1, 2024.
For pre-application consulting, contact HEPMPO Staff at (240) 313-2081 or at Pre-application consulting period ends October 25, 2024.
Hard copies or accessibility accommodations for viewing the guidelines or making a submission can be made upon request.